A future of Electric Vehicles and the infrastructure to charge them is on a one way track to create more jobs, boost supply chains, and create a more U.S. competetive environment. A new investment from Uber and Zipcar is streamlining the process of widespread mass adoption and shift to greener more sustainable transportation. City officials in Madison, Wisconsin have agreed to transition their 900 car entire fleet of vehicles into electric vehicles. This is a huge step towards underdstanding how these vehicles will be used and the practicality towards transitioning into electric vehicle fleets. Zipcar has said it will allocate 25% of it's electric vehicles to disadvanted communities in 2023. Uber has agreed to commit to having 400 million EV miles on its platform by the end of 2023. Uber has also said it will help its drivers transition more easily into electric vehicles through their partnership with manufacturers, rental companies, and charging companies. These private and public commitments will accelerate electric vehicle use and understanding across the country. Northwest Arkansas is in a great position to be prepared for the growth of the population in a sustainable way.